Ceramic Dental Veneer

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Ceramic dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored ceramic material that are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance. These veneers are meticulously crafted to match the natural color, translucency, and texture of the surrounding teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile enhancement. Ceramic veneers offer a versatile solution for correcting various cosmetic imperfections, including discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, and misalignment. Besides, they provide long-lasting and natural-looking results, similar to other types of dental veneers.

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Ceramic Dental Veneer Procedures

The procedure for getting ceramic dental veneers typically involves the following steps:
1. Consultation

The dentist evaluates the patient's dental health and discusses their smile goals and expectations.

2. Treatment Planning

Based on the patient's needs and preferences, the dentist develops a customized treatment plan outlining the number of veneers needed and the desired outcome.

3. Tooth Preparation

A thin layer of enamel is removed from the front surfaces of the teeth to accommodate the veneers and create a smooth bonding surface.

4. Impression

Impressions or digital scans of the prepared teeth are taken to create precise molds for fabricating the ceramic veneers.

5. Shade Matching

The dentist selects the shade of ceramic veneers that closely matches the color of the natural teeth for a seamless and natural-looking result.

6. Temporary Veneers

While the permanent veneers are being fabricated in a dental laboratory, temporary veneers may be placed to protect the prepared teeth.

07. Veneer Fabrication

Skilled technicians in the dental laboratory use impressions or digital scans to craft custom-made ceramic veneers with meticulous attention to detail.

08. Final Placement

Once the permanent veneers are ready, they are carefully fitted and adjusted to ensure proper fit, bite alignment, and aesthetics.

9. Bonding

The ceramic veneers are permanently bonded to the prepared teeth using dental adhesive, restoring function and enhancing the appearance of the smile.

Ceramic Dental Veneer Gallery

Ceramic Dental Veneer

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+90 506 250 00 05

Ceramic Dental Veneer


Ceramic dental veneers offer several benefits, including:

  • Natural Appearance: Ceramic veneers closely mimic the color, translucency, and texture of natural teeth, providing a lifelike and aesthetically pleasing smile enhancement.
  • Stain Resistance: Ceramic material is highly resistant to staining and discoloration, allowing for a long-lasting and vibrant smile.
  • Biocompatibility: Ceramic is a biocompatible material, meaning it is well-tolerated by the body and unlikely to cause allergic reactions or sensitivities.
  • Minimal Tooth Alteration: Compared to traditional veneers, ceramic veneers require minimal removal of tooth structure, preserving more of the natural tooth enamel.
  • Durability: With proper care and maintenance, ceramic veneers can last for many years, providing a durable and reliable solution for smile enhancement.

Ceramic Dental Veneer


While ceramic dental veneers offer numerous benefits, there are some risks and considerations to be aware of, including:

  • Cost: Ceramic veneers may be more expensive than other types of veneers due to the high-quality materials and craftsmanship involved in their fabrication.
  • Irreversible Procedure: The process of preparing teeth for veneers involves removing a thin layer of enamel, which is irreversible and may increase tooth sensitivity.
  • Potential for Damage: Ceramic veneers can become damaged or dislodged due to factors such as trauma, excessive force, or poor oral hygiene habits.
  • Color Matching: While ceramic veneers are custom-made to match the color of the natural teeth, slight variations in shade may occur, especially over time.

Why Get Dental Treatment of Ceramic Dental Veneer at Dentiva Clinic?

Dentiva Clinic is a trusted destination for patients seeking high-quality ceramic dental veneer treatments. Here’s why patients choose Dentiva Clinic for their ceramic veneer needs:

Our team of skilled dentists specializes in cosmetic dentistry and has extensive experience in designing and placing ceramic veneers.


We understand that each patient is unique, and we tailor our ceramic veneer treatments to address specific smile concerns, aesthetic preferences, and functional needs.

Advanced Technology

Dentiva Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern amenities to provide patients with comfortable and efficient dental care.

Comprehensive Care

From initial consultation to final placement, we provide comprehensive care and support to guide patients through every step of the ceramic veneer process, ensuring a positive and rewarding experience.

Patient Satisfaction

Our priority is patient satisfaction, and we are committed to delivering exceptional results that meet and exceed our patients' expectations.

At Dentiva Clinic,

We are dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams with precision, artistry, and compassionate care.

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Frequently asked questions
and their answers

Ceramic dental veneers are thin shells made of porcelain that are bonded to the front of teeth to improve their appearance.

Ceramic veneers are more translucent and mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth better than veneers made from other materials like resin composites. They are also more stain-resistant.

Advantages include their natural-looking appearance, stain resistance, and ability to mimic the light transmission qualities of natural teeth. They also require minimal removal of tooth structure.

With proper oral care, ceramic veneers typically last 10-15 years before needing replacement. Some may last 20 years or longer.

Yes, ceramic veneers are considered a permanent solution for improving the appearance of teeth. However, they may need occasional replacement after many years.

Ceramic veneers look very natural and are virtually indistinguishable from real teeth when properly placed by an experienced dentist.

Yes, ceramic veneers can be whitened just like natural teeth. Special whitening products and procedures are used to brighten ceramic veneers over time.

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05


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Easily accessible, and the clinic's atmosphere is so calming.
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Janie Johnson
Dentiva's location is so convenient! It's easily reachable, and the ambiance of the clinic is warm and welcoming.
Roger Burgan
Roger Burgan
Not only did they provide exceptional dental care, but their prices are also budget-friendly.
Lloyd Riggs
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Bryan Lusk
Bryan Lusk
I had a decent experience at Dentiva, However, there were a few areas where I felt they could have been more attentive to detail
Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams
I'm satisfied with the care I received. While there were a few minor issues during my visit, the staff was quick

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