Dental Emergencies for Kids

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Dental emergencies for kids can be a frightening experience for both children and parents. They can range from knocked-out teeth, toothaches, and broken teeth, to objects caught between teeth. Prompt and appropriate responses are crucial to effectively manage these situations, minimize pain, and prevent long-term damage. Understanding how to react to dental emergencies can significantly impact the outcome, preserving a child’s oral health. Pediatric dental care specialists are trained to handle such emergencies, offering immediate and compassionate care to address the issue and alleviate discomfort.

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+90 506 250 00 05

Dental Emergencies for Kids Procedures

In emergency settings, the dental procedures often involve steps such as:
1. Immediate Assessment

Quick evaluation of the child's condition to determine the urgency of the situation.

2. Pain Management

Offering pain relief measures or advice over the phone until the child can be seen.

3. Emergency Appointment

Providing prompt appointments to address the emergency.

4. Treatment

Administering the appropriate emergency treatment, such as re-implantation for a knocked-out tooth, splinting, or starting root canal therapy.

5. Follow-up Care

Scheduling follow-up visits to ensure proper healing and recovery.

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A Wide Range Of Dental Emergencies for Kids

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05

Dental Emergencies for Kids


For kids, the benefits of going to the emergency room to resolve the dental issues may include: 

  • Pain Relief: Quick action can significantly reduce discomfort.
  • Prevention of Further Damage: Timely treatment can prevent additional harm to the child’s oral health.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing how to handle dental emergencies can provide peace of mind to parents and caregivers.

Dental Emergencies for Kids


Risks and potential complications may include: 

  • Potential for Infection: Delayed treatment of dental injuries can lead to infections.
  • Long-term Complications: Untreated emergencies may result in long-term issues, such as misalignment.

Why Get Dental Treatment of Dental Emergencies for Kids at Dentiva Clinic?

Dentiva Clinic is uniquely equipped to handle dental emergencies for kids due to:
Pediatric Expertise

Our team specializes in pediatric dentistry, ensuring children receive care tailored to their specific needs.

Prompt Response

We offer emergency appointments to address urgent dental issues quickly.

Comprehensive Care

From the initial emergency treatment to follow-up visits, we provide a full range of services to ensure optimal recovery.

Child-Friendly Environment

Our clinic is designed to make children feel safe and comfortable during their visit.

Parental Support

We offer guidance to parents on how to manage dental emergencies at home and when to seek professional care.

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Frequently asked questions
and their answers

Try to find the tooth and gently rinse off dirt but avoid scrubbing it. Place the tooth back in the socket if possible. If not, store it in milk or saline solution.

Signs of a dental emergency in a child include severe tooth pain, swelling or bleeding that won’t stop, injuries to the teeth or gums, and knocked out, broken, or chipped teeth.

Common dental emergencies in kids include knocked out or fractured teeth, bitten tongue or lips, objects wedged between teeth, broken braces or wires poking gums, abscessed or infected teeth, and severe toothaches.

Can a Chipped Tooth Be Considered a Dental Emergency?
Yes, a chipped tooth can potentially be a dental emergency, especially if the pulp is exposed, which can lead to infection of the tooth’s nerve. Seek emergency care for moderate to severe chips.

You can give an over-the-counter children’s pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen as directed. Cold compresses to the face may also help reduce swelling and discomfort until you can reach the dentist.

In many cases, it’s better to see an emergency dentist who can provide specialized oral care. However, go to the ER if your child has extreme pain, uncontrolled bleeding, facial trauma, or trouble breathing due to swelling.

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05


Thomas Aaron
Thomas Aaron
The clinic itself is modern and inviting, dentiva achieved so many expectations in my head
Katherine Rearick
Katherine Rearick
Easily accessible, and the clinic's atmosphere is so calming.
Terry Lipe
Terry Lipe
it's so convenient to schedule appointments and reach the clinic without any hassle.
Janie Johnson
Janie Johnson
Dentiva's location is so convenient! It's easily reachable, and the ambiance of the clinic is warm and welcoming.
Roger Burgan
Roger Burgan
Not only did they provide exceptional dental care, but their prices are also budget-friendly.
Lloyd Riggs
Lloyd Riggs
I've been to several dental clinics, but Dentiva stands out for its affordability. Their prices are unbeatable, and the service is top-notch.
Ryan Reed
Ryan Reed
They dental care affordable for me without sacrificing the quality of service.
Hope Campos
Hope Campos
Best Dental care clinic In Turkey, Dentiva is the best choice for everyone who wants to visit turkey for dental tourism
Bryan Lusk
Bryan Lusk
I had a decent experience at Dentiva, However, there were a few areas where I felt they could have been more attentive to detail
Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams
I'm satisfied with the care I received. While there were a few minor issues during my visit, the staff was quick

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