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Dentures are removable prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics. They are custom-made to fit each individual’s mouth and are typically composed of acrylic resin or a combination of acrylic and metal. Dentures offer a practical solution for individuals who have lost all or most of their natural teeth due to age, disease, or injury. By providing support for facial muscles and enabling proper chewing and speaking, dentures play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for those experiencing tooth loss.

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+90 506 250 00 05

Dentures Procedures

Dentures are removable prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth, improving the wearer’s ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently. There are several types of dentures, each tailored to meet different needs based on the extent of tooth loss, oral health condition, and personal preferences. Here are the primary types of denture procedures:
1. Complete Dentures
  • Full Dentures: Designed for individuals who have lost all their teeth in either the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Complete dentures rest on the gums and are held in place by suction or oral adhesives.
  • Immediate Dentures: Provided immediately after tooth extraction, allowing patients not to be without teeth during the healing period. These may require adjustments or replacement with conventional dentures once healing is complete.
2. Partial Dentures
  • Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs): Suitable for patients who have some natural teeth remaining. These dentures fill in the gaps created by missing teeth and prevent other teeth from changing position. They are usually made from a combination of metal and acrylic, which makes them more stable and less visible.
  • Flexible Partial Dentures: Made from a thin, thermoplastic material, these offer a comfortable, lightweight alternative to traditional RPDs. They are aesthetically pleasing due to their translucency and flexibility.
3. Overdentures
  • Implant-Supported Overdentures: Attach to dental implants placed in the jawbone, providing greater stability than conventional dentures. These are an option for patients with sufficient bone density to support implants and can be used for both full and partial tooth loss.
  • Tooth-Supported Overdentures: Use the remaining natural teeth as anchors, offering improved stability over regular dentures. The supporting teeth are usually altered to fit and support the overdenture securely.
4. Immediate Dentures
  • As mentioned, immediate dentures are made before teeth extraction and placed right after, serving as a transitional prosthesis while the gums and bone heal. They require adjustments for a perfect fit once the healing process is complete.
5. Custom Dentures
  • Customized for Comfort and Aesthetics: These dentures are made using more precise measurements and higher-quality materials to closely mimic natural teeth in terms of color, shape, and fit. They offer enhanced comfort, function, and appearance.
6. Snap-In Dentures
  • Secure Fit with Attachments: Snap-in dentures are anchored by dental implants or existing tooth roots. They feature locator attachments that allow the dentures to "snap" into place, offering a secure fit that is especially beneficial for lower jaw dentures.

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Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05



Dentures offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved Appearance: Dentures restore the natural appearance of the smile, providing a fuller, more youthful facial appearance.
  • Enhanced Speech: By replacing missing teeth, dentures help improve speech clarity and articulation, especially for individuals with extensive tooth loss.
  • Restored Chewing Function: Dentures enable individuals to chew a variety of foods comfortably, allowing for a more varied and nutritious diet.
  • Prevention of Oral Health Issues: Dentures help support facial muscles and prevent sagging of the cheeks and lips, which can occur with tooth loss.
  • Boost in Confidence: With restored oral function and aesthetics, denture wearers often experience a significant boost in self-confidence and social interactions.



While dentures offer many advantages, they also carry certain risks and considerations, including:

  • Adjustment Period: It may take time for patients to adjust to wearing dentures, including getting used to the sensation of the prosthetic in the mouth and learning how to speak and eat comfortably with them.
  • Gum Irritation: Ill-fitting dentures can cause irritation and soreness of the gums, leading to discomfort and difficulty wearing the prosthetic.
  • Speech Changes: Some individuals may experience changes in speech patterns or difficulty speaking clearly, particularly during the initial adjustment period with new dentures.
  • Bone Resorption: Over time, wearing dentures can contribute to bone resorption in the jaw, leading to changes in facial structure and potentially affecting the fit of the dentures.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Proper care and maintenance are essential for prolonging the lifespan of dentures and preventing issues such as staining, odors, and bacterial growth.

Why Get Dental Treatment of Dentures at Dentiva Clinic?

Dentiva Clinic is committed to providing high-quality denture solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each patient. Here’s why you should choose Dentiva Clinic for your denture treatment:
Expertise and Experience

Our team of experienced dentists and prosthodontists specializes in the fabrication and fitting of dentures, ensuring optimal comfort, function, and aesthetics.

Customized Treatment

We take a personalized approach to denture treatment, carefully assessing each patient's oral health and working closely with them to design custom-fitted dentures that meet their specific needs and preferences.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Dentiva Clinic is equipped with advanced technology and modern facilities to deliver precision-crafted dentures that provide optimal fit, comfort, and durability.

Comprehensive Care

From the initial consultation to follow-up appointments and maintenance, Dentiva Clinic offers comprehensive care and support throughout every stage of the denture treatment process.

Patient Satisfaction

Our priority is patient satisfaction, and we strive to ensure that every patient achieves their desired outcomes with their dentures, enjoying restored oral function, aesthetics, and confidence.

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Frequently asked questions
and their answers

Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and restore your smile. They are custom-made to fit your mouth and made of acrylic resin or metal materials.

Dentures are designed to fit snugly against your gums and jawbone. They may use suction, dental adhesive, or snap into dental implants to stay securely in place.

Yes, dentures can dramatically improve your facial appearance by replacing missing teeth. With full or partial dentures, you can smile, eat, and speak with confidence.

The main types are full dentures to replace all teeth, partial dentures to replace some missing teeth and implant-retained dentures that snap onto dental implants for added stability.

With proper care, dentures typically last 5-7 years before needing to be repaired or remade due to changes in fit and worn acrylic. Some may last longer with regular dental visits.

Gently brush dentures daily with a soft brush and cleanser. Use a soak to remove stains and bacteria when not being worn. Avoid hot water that can warp the base.

It may take practice, but most people can eat nearly any food with well-fitted dentures. Using dental adhesive and starting with soft foods can help you adapt.

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05


Thomas Aaron
Thomas Aaron
The clinic itself is modern and inviting, dentiva achieved so many expectations in my head
Katherine Rearick
Katherine Rearick
Easily accessible, and the clinic's atmosphere is so calming.
Terry Lipe
Terry Lipe
it's so convenient to schedule appointments and reach the clinic without any hassle.
Janie Johnson
Janie Johnson
Dentiva's location is so convenient! It's easily reachable, and the ambiance of the clinic is warm and welcoming.
Roger Burgan
Roger Burgan
Not only did they provide exceptional dental care, but their prices are also budget-friendly.
Lloyd Riggs
Lloyd Riggs
I've been to several dental clinics, but Dentiva stands out for its affordability. Their prices are unbeatable, and the service is top-notch.
Ryan Reed
Ryan Reed
They dental care affordable for me without sacrificing the quality of service.
Hope Campos
Hope Campos
Best Dental care clinic In Turkey, Dentiva is the best choice for everyone who wants to visit turkey for dental tourism
Bryan Lusk
Bryan Lusk
I had a decent experience at Dentiva, However, there were a few areas where I felt they could have been more attentive to detail
Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams
I'm satisfied with the care I received. While there were a few minor issues during my visit, the staff was quick

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