Lost or Broken Dental Restorations

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Lost or broken dental restorations can occur for various reasons, including wear and tear, biting on hard foods, or an underlying issue with the tooth or previous restoration. Restorations such as fillings, crowns, bridges, and veneers play a crucial role in maintaining dental health by protecting damaged teeth, restoring functionality, and enhancing aesthetics. When these restorations are compromised, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further dental problems. Modern dentistry offers efficient solutions for repairing or replacing lost or broken restorations, ensuring that patients can maintain their oral health and comfort.

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+90 506 250 00 05

Lost or Broken Dental Restorations Procedures

The process for addressing lost or broken dental restorations includes:
1. Initial Examination

Assessment of the affected restoration and the underlying tooth to determine the cause and extent of damage.

2. Removal of Damaged Restoration

If remnants are present, they are carefully removed.

3. Tooth Preparation

Cleaning and preparation of the tooth for a new restoration.

4. Impression Taking

For restorations like crowns or bridges, an impression of the tooth is taken to create a custom-fit replacement.

5. Temporary Restoration

A temporary restoration may be placed while the permanent one is being fabricated.

6. Placement of New Restoration

Once ready, the new restoration is fitted, adjusted, and cemented or bonded in place.

Lost or Broken Dental Restorations Gallery

A Wide Range Of Lost or Broken Dental Restorations

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05

Lost or Broken Dental Restorations


Replacing or repairing lost or broken restorations offers several benefits:
Protection Against Decay: Restores protection to the tooth, preventing decay and infection.
Restored Functionality: Enables normal chewing and speaking functions.
Aesthetic Improvement: Maintains the appearance of your smile.
Prevention of Further Damage: Avoids additional damage to the tooth and surrounding teeth.

Lost or Broken Dental Restorations


The risks associated with not addressing lost or broken restorations include:

  • Increased Decay Risk: Exposed teeth are more susceptible to decay.
  • Infection: The risk of tooth infection increases, which could lead to more serious dental issues.
  • Structural Damage: Further structural damage to the tooth may occur, potentially leading to tooth loss.

Why Get Dental Treatment of Lost or Broken Dental Restorations at Dentiva Clinic?

Dentiva Clinic is the ideal choice for addressing lost or broken dental restorations due to:
Comprehensive Care

Our experienced dental professionals offer comprehensive care, from diagnosis to the completion of restoration.

Advanced Technology

Utilizing the latest dental technologies for accurate and efficient treatment.

Customized Solutions

We provide tailored solutions that meet the individual needs and preferences of each patient.

Patient Comfort

Our clinic prioritizes patient comfort and satisfaction, ensuring a stress-free experience.

Affordable Quality

We offer high-quality treatments at competitive prices, making dental care accessible to everyone.

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Frequently asked questions
and their answers

Reasons include tooth grinding/clenching, chewing on hard foods, trauma, poor oral hygiene leading to decay under the restoration, or improper fitting during initial placement.

If a filling, crown, veneer, etc. breaks, contact your dentist right away. Save any broken pieces. Avoid chewing on the tooth until it is repaired to prevent further damage.

Damaged restorations usually need to be completely replaced for optimal function and aesthetics. The old restoration is removed, and a new one is designed, fabricated, and bonded into place.

Small fractures at the edges may be repairable, but most cases require complete replacement of the restoration for proper strength and appearance.

Replacement often requires 2+ visits spaced weeks apart. The initial appointment involves examining the tooth, taking impressions, and installing a temporary restoration.

The dentist will numb the area being worked on, so the procedure itself is not painful. Some sensitivity may occur afterward as the area continues to heal.

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05


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Terry Lipe
Terry Lipe
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Janie Johnson
Janie Johnson
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Roger Burgan
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Bryan Lusk
Bryan Lusk
I had a decent experience at Dentiva, However, there were a few areas where I felt they could have been more attentive to detail
Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams
I'm satisfied with the care I received. While there were a few minor issues during my visit, the staff was quick

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