Teeth Whitening

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Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure aimed at brightening the color of the teeth and enhancing the overall appearance of the smile. Over time, teeth can become stained or discolored due to various factors such as consumption of dark-colored beverages, smoking, aging, and certain medications. Teeth whitening treatments utilize bleaching agents to remove stains and lighten the shade of the teeth, resulting in a brighter and more radiant smile. This non-invasive procedure is safe and effective when performed by a qualified dental professional.

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Teeth Whitening Procedures

Teeth whitening procedures typically involve the following steps:
1. Consultation

The dentist evaluates the patient's oral health and discusses their goals and expectations for teeth whitening.

2. Dental Cleaning

Before the whitening procedure, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned to remove any plaque, tartar, or surface stains.

3. Treatment Selection

The dentist recommends the most suitable whitening method based on the patient's needs and preferences, such as in-office whitening or take-home whitening kits.

4. Application of Whitening Agent

For in-office whitening, a high-concentration bleaching gel is applied to the teeth and activated with a special light or laser. For take-home kits, custom-made trays are filled with a lower-concentration whitening gel and worn over the teeth for a specified period.

5. Monitoring

Throughout the whitening process, the dentist monitors the progress and adjusts the treatment as needed to achieve optimal results.


After completing the whitening treatment, the dentist provides instructions for maintaining the results and may schedule follow-up appointments to assess the outcome.

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A Wide Range Of Teeth Whitening

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+90 506 250 00 05

Teeth Whitening


Teeth whitening offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Appearance: Whitening teeth can significantly improve the brightness and attractiveness of the smile, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Non-Invasive: Teeth whitening is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require any drilling or permanent alterations to the teeth.
  • Quick Results: In-office whitening treatments can produce noticeable results in a single visit, while take-home kits offer gradual improvement over several days.
  • Customizable: Whitening treatments can be tailored to meet individual needs and preferences, allowing patients to achieve their desired level of whiteness.
  • Safe and Effective: When performed by a qualified dentist, teeth whitening is a safe and effective procedure with minimal risk of side effects.

Teeth Whitening


While teeth whitening is generally safe, there are some potential risks and side effects to consider, including:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Some patients may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation during or after whitening treatment.
  • Overtreatment: Excessive or frequent whitening can weaken the enamel and increase the risk of tooth sensitivity and gum damage.
  • Uneven Results: Inconsistent whitening or overuse of whitening products can result in uneven coloration or blotchy appearance of the teeth.
  • Gum Irritation: Contact between the whitening agent and the gums can cause irritation or chemical burns if not properly applied.
  • Temporary Results: The effects of teeth whitening are not permanent and may require touch-up treatments to maintain brightness over time.

Why Get Dental Treatment of Teeth Whitening at Dentiva Clinic?

Dentiva Clinic is a leading provider of professional teeth whitening services, offering safe, effective, and customized treatments to help patients achieve a brighter and more confident smile. Here’s why you should choose Dentiva Clinic for your teeth whitening needs:

Our team of experienced dentists specializes in cosmetic dentistry and is dedicated to delivering superior results with the latest whitening techniques.

Personalized Care

We understand that every patient is unique, and thus we tailor our whitening treatments to meet individual needs and goals.

Advanced Technology

Dentiva Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced whitening systems to ensure optimal results and patient comfort.

Comprehensive Consultation

We conduct thorough consultations to assess oral health, discuss treatment options, and address any concerns before proceeding with whitening.

Follow-Up Care

Our commitment to patient satisfaction extends beyond the initial treatment, and we provide ongoing support and follow-up to maintain whitening results.

At Dentiva Clinic,

We prioritize patient safety, satisfaction, and well-being, making us the top choice for professional teeth whitening services.

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Frequently asked questions
and their answers

Teeth whitening is a procedure that lightens and brightens the color of teeth. It removes stains and discoloration to whiten teeth beyond their natural color.

Whitening products contain bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that break down staining molecules. Light or laser energy is often used to accelerate and enhance the bleaching process.

When properly done by a dentist, teeth whitening is considered very safe. Some sensitivity or gum irritation can occur which usually resolves quickly.

People with healthy teeth and gums who have discoloration from coffee, tea, wine, smoking, medications, or aging.

With in-office whitening, results can last 1-3 years. At-home whitening results last 6 months to a year. Periodic sessions may be needed to maintain a brighter smile.

Common side effects include tooth sensitivity and irritated gums. These are usually temporary and improve shortly after treatment stops. Misuse can also lead to extreme sensitivity and damage to teeth and gums.

Whitening is most effective on yellowish stains. Grayish, brownish, and other discoloration are harder to remove but can still be lightened somewhat through whitening.

It’s recommended to whiten no more than 1-2 times per year, as overtreatment can increase sensitivity and enamel damage.

Over-the-counter whitening strips, gels, rinses, and toothpaste can provide mild whitening but are not as strong as professional whitening done at a dental office.

Have Any Questions Feel Free to Contact with Our Team

+90 506 250 00 05


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Thomas Aaron
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Katherine Rearick
Katherine Rearick
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Terry Lipe
Terry Lipe
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Janie Johnson
Janie Johnson
Dentiva's location is so convenient! It's easily reachable, and the ambiance of the clinic is warm and welcoming.
Roger Burgan
Roger Burgan
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Bryan Lusk
Bryan Lusk
I had a decent experience at Dentiva, However, there were a few areas where I felt they could have been more attentive to detail
Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams
I'm satisfied with the care I received. While there were a few minor issues during my visit, the staff was quick

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